Your Best Fort Worth Area Nursery for Tropical Flowers and Plants

For a stunning array of fragrant and vibrant flowers that are the perfect pollinators for your garden and landscape design, shop Premier Nursery’s prime selection of tropical flowers! Our spacious garden centers offer the most beautiful multitude of tropical flowers and plants for any lawn, container garden, trellises, patio garden or landscape accents.

Visit one of our Fort Worth area nursery locations, or call us to get more information.

Euless, TX
5050 HWY 377
Benbrook, TX

Bougainvillea: (Bougainvillea glabra)

This plant produces large masses of brilliantly colored pink, red, yellow, and orange blooms all summer long. Use hanging baskets or patio containers. Bougainvilleas require good drainage and lots of sunshine. For best blooming results, allow the soil to dry out completely before each watering and feed with a water-soluble fertilizer (like 20-20-20) once or twice a week.

Mandevilla: (Mandevilla sanderi)

With its bright pink, red or white blooms, the mandevilla is perfect for use in hanging baskets, planters, or planted directly in the garden. Mandevillia requires at least 4-6 hours of sunlight to continue blooming throughout the summer months. Feed with high phosphorus (P) fertilizer, 15-30-15 works well.

Tropical Hibiscus: (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

Tropical Hibiscus offers a wide array of colors and blooms, including single and double red, pink, yellow, and orange. Make sure to keep them evenly moist. For continued blooming throughout the season, feed with Color Star 19-13-6.

Ixora: (Ixora coccinea)

Ixora’s is a sun-loving tropical plant with large clusters of blooms in vibrant colors of red, orange, and yellow. Use in planters on the patio or plant directly in the landscape. Keep this plant evenly moist but not wet. Feed with high nitrogen (N) fertilizer like Color Star 19-13-6.

Passion Vine: (Passiflora)

This Tropical blooming vine has fragrant and unique blooms in shades of blue, violet, purple, and more, with a height reaching 20′ tall. Water regularly but do not overwater. Requires full sun but will perform well in part shade. Feed with Color Star 19-13-6.

Fuchsia: (Fuchsia magellanica)

We have a tropical vine or bush varieties available! The fuchsia does well in hanging baskets or planters, requires full to part shade for best results, and grows 18 to 24 inches tall. This intriguing tropical variety possesses beautiful pink, white, purple, or red bi-colored blooms and has average water requirements.

Trade Wind Hibiscus: (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

Trade wind hibiscus offers the same showy blooms as regular hibiscus only on compact plants. They have been bred to bloom continuously from spring throughout the summer. Available in red, pink, yellow, white, and many other color variations. Great for patios, porches, and in the landscape and is best planted in a sunny location.