Looks like a grassy weed but is actually a broad leaf weed. Grows during the cooler months of the year. Can be controlled with a post emergent weed control such as Ferti-lome Weed Out
Read MoreA tight low growing annual that forms a dense mat with dark green leaves that are 1/8 to 1/2″ long and about 1/8″ wide with red spots down the center of the leaf. When broken the stems excrete a white milky juice. The plant has a deep […]
Read MoreAnnual broad leaf weed that spreads quickly, its quick growth rate can choke out most desirable turf grasses. Can be controlled with Ferti-lome Weed Out for post emergent control or Green Light Portrait as a pre-emergent control.
Read MoreBroad leaf weed that blooms from early spring till early fall. Blooms turn to ball like seed heads – spreading hundreds of seeds throughout the lawn and landscape. Can be controlled with Ferti-lome Weed Out for post emergent control or use Green Light Portrait as a Pre-emergent […]
Read MoreAnnual broad leaf weed that is present in the fall, grows in the winter, each plant produces thousands of seeds then dies in the early summer. These weeds can be controlled with a post emergent weed control such as Ferti-lome Weed Out or a pre-emergent like Green […]
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