Native plants are defined as: “A Plant that occurs naturally in a particular region, state, ecosystem, and habitat without direct or indirect human actions.” and we are here today to tell you a little about going native with your landscape!

There are many interesting and beautiful Native Texas Plant species available, whether your looking for trees, shrubs, perennial flowers or vines. As you drive around North Texas you’ll be amazed at how much of the natural beauty covering our countryside is available to be used and enjoyed in and around our home landscapes.

Native Texas Plants offer strong, time-tested varieties that have withstood the harsh Texas summers and unpredictable winters for decades. Including the excessive heat, cold and drought. Each and every plant adds its own unique beauty to our countryside.  Additions such as the bright purple blooms from Native Red Buds in early spring or the perennial display of Texas Bluebonnets that we all enjoy this time of year. Not to mention the spectacular Fall Color displays each year from Native Oaks, Elms and Cedars. When we introduce Native species into our landscape we also invite birds, butterflies and other wildlife into our landscapes. The Native plants introduced into our landscapes are usually more insect and disease resistant, more heat and cold tolerant and less likely to get out of control.

 Here is a list of some of the most commonly used Native Texas Plants…


Burr Oak– (Quercus macrocarpa) Deciduous Shade Tree reaching 20-30’ Tall and wide

Chinkapin Oak– (Quercus muehlenbergii) Deciduous Shade Tree reaching 40’ Tall and over

Eastern Red Cedar– (Juniperus virgiana) Evergreen Conifer reaching 40’ Tall and over

Live Oak– (Quercus Virginiana) Evergreen Shade Tree reaching 40’ Tall and over

Desert Willow– (Chilopsis linearis) Deciduous Flowering Tree reaching 8-12’ Tall

Pride of Houston Yaupon– (Ilex vomitoria “Pride of Houston”) Evergreen small Tree or large

shrub reaching 15-20’ Tall

Texas Mountain Laurel– (Calia secundiflora) Evergreen Flowering Tree reaching 8-10’ Tall

Possum Haw Holly– (Ilex decidua) Deciduous Tree or large reaching 20-30’ Tall



 Dwarf Yaupon Holly– (Ilex Vomitoria “Nana”) Evergreen shrub, 3-4’H x 3-4’ W

Red Yucca– (Hesperole parviflora) Small Shrub with red bloom spikes, reaching 24-36” Tall

Wax Myrtle– (Morella cerifera) Large Shrub or small Evergreen Tree reaching 20-30’ Tall

Texas Sage– (Leucophyllum frutescens) Evergreen Shrub with pink to purple blooms reaching 18-36’ tall depending on variety

Martha Gonzales Rose– (Rosa “Martha Gonzales”) Shrub rose bush with medium red blooms, reaching 24-36” Tall

Texas Star Hibiscus– (Hibiscus coccineus) Perennial Shrub with various bloom colors, reaching 6-8’ Tall

Agave– (Agaves Americana) Evergreen Cactus or succulent, height varies by variety



Bluebonnets– (Lupinus texensis) Annual plant that reseeds itself, with medium blue blooms, reaching 6-12” Tall

Butterfly weed- (Asclepias tuberosa) Bright orange blooms in mid summer, reaching 24-36” Tall

Mexican Bush Sage– (Salvia leucantha) Pale purple blooms late summer, reaching 36-48” Tall

Mexican Petunia- (ruellia brittoniana) blooming groundcover with pink, blue or white blooms mid spring through summer, reaching 6-12” Tall

Purple Cone Flower- (Echinacea) various colored blooms mid summer, reaching 24-36” Tall

Rock Rose– (Pavonia hastata) Pale pink blooms late spring to mid summer, reaching 24-36” Tall

Skullcap– (Scuttellaria suffrutescens) Red blooms late spring to mid summer, reaching 6” Tall

Turks Cap– (Malvaviscus arboreus) Red, white or pink blooms late spring to mid summer, reaching 4-6’ Tall

Yarrow– (Achillea millefolium) Pink, yellow or white blooms late spring to mid summer, reaching 24-36” Tall

New Gold Lantana– (Lantana camara “New Gold”) Bright yellow blooms spring through summer, reaching 6-12” Tall

Blackfoot daisy– (Melampodium leucanthum) White blooms early to mid spring, reaching 6-12” Tall

Texas Gold Columbine– (Aquilegia chrysantha var. hinckleyana) Bright yellow/gold blooms early to mid spring, reaching 18-24” Tall

Esperanza– (Tecoma stans) Bright yellow/orange blooms mid to late summer, reaching 4-6’ Tall


Vines & Ground Covers:

Cross vine– (Bignonia capreolata) Blooming vine with yellow/orange blooms mid to late summer, reaching 30-40’ Tall

Coral Honeysuckle– (Lonicera sempervirens) blooming vine with bright red/orange blooms mid spring to late summer, reaching 12-15’ Tall

Lady Banks Rose– (Rosa banksiae ‘Lutea’) Light yellow blooms late spring to early summer, reaching 6-8’ Tall

Vinca Major– (Vinca major) blooming groundcover with medium blue blooms mid spring through summer, reaching 6” Tall



Lindheimer Muhley– (Muhlenbergia lindheimeri) ornamental grass with silver/gray bloom spikes late summer to fall, reaching 36-48” Tall

Mexican Feather Grass- (Stipa tenuissima) ornamental grass with cream/tan bloom spikes late spring through summer, reaching 24-36” Tall