Magnolia Trees for Sale in the Fort Worth Area
Shop Premier Nursery for your magnolia tree needs. We offer a nice variety of magnolia trees that you and your family can grow and appreciate for years and years.
Visit one of our convenient plant nursery locations, or call us to discuss which magnolia trees you need!
Little Gem Magnolia Tree
Little Gem Magnolia trees (Magnolia Grandiflora ‘Little Gem’) are evergreen dwarf shade trees that grow 20-25 feet tall and spread 8-12 feet wide. These trees are the more compact relatives of the Southern Magnolia and do best in well-drained soils. They prefer acidic soil but will adapt to most soil types and can grow upwards of 1 foot per year. However, Little Gem Magnolias don’t like soils that are either extremely wet or extremely dry and don’t thrive well in high-pollutant areas.
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Magnolia grandiflora “Little Gem” 15 gal. $299.88 $239.90
Magnolia grandiflora “Little Gem” 30 gal. $599.88 $479.90
Magnolia grandiflora “Little Gem” 45 gal. $988.88 $791.10
D.D. Blanchard Magnolia Tree
D.D. Blanchard Magnolia trees are another variety in the Magnolia Grandiflora genus that can reach heights up to 50 feet and widths up to 25 feet. Because of its height, this variety is best planted in larger yards and landscapes as opposed to smaller yards. The D.D. Blanchard is best known for its oval-shaped, thinner canopy, unlike other magnolia trees with wider-spread canopies. Because of its thinner oval, upright shape, it’s easily planted next to other sun-loving plants in your landscape design, whereas other varieties may overshadow sun-loving plants. Lastly, the D.D. Blanchard magnolia tree rocks incredible 8-inch, creamy white magnolia flowers that are also charmingly fragrant. This tree is not very drought-tolerant. The D.D. Blanchard is the magnolia tree for you if you want to make a statement!
Teddy Bear Magnolia Tree
Teddy Bear Magnolias are very compact magnolia trees with the ability to grow up to 20 feet tall and up to 12 feet wide. These magnolias have creamy white, fragrant flowers that are about 6 inches wide. For a magnolia tree that is perfect for smaller yards and landscapes, or as large shrubs if pruned correctly, the Teddy Bear Magnolia is perfect! For a Southern-charm flare on a privacy screen or against long walls or fences, plant several Teddy Bear Magnolias in a row. Water frequently and deeply.