Your Fort Worth Area Nurseries for Perennial Plants
Perennials not only offer you long-lasting beauty that you can appreciate year after year, but their purpose is to feed the pollinators that keep your garden thriving! Premier Nursery provides a huge selection of stunning perennials that keeps bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds a staple in your garden.
Visit one of our convenient plant nurseries, or call us for more information.
Blackeyed Susan: (Rudbeckia fulgida)
As a long-blooming perennial, blackeyed susans possess daisy-like blooms in bright yellow with dark centers. The average height is 2 feet tall and wide. Blackeyed susans bloom from June through September and do well in full sun to part shade.
Lantana: (Lantana camara)
Lantana is certainly a beautiful show of perennial color that will grace your garden year after year. Although lantana are native to the tropical regions of the Americas and Africa, lantana has easily become a global favorite in many regions where plants may otherwise be hard to grow. Lantana is very tolerant of poor soil and is drought-tolerant, hence its popularity, especially in Texas!
Autumn Sage: (Salvia greggii)
As a native Texas perennial, autumn sage blooms from spring through fall. This beautiful perennial attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds – perfect for the pollinator garden! They are drought-tolerant, grow best in full sunlight, and can grow up to three feet tall. The blooms are mainly pink, white, red, and purple.
Coneflower: (Echinacea)
Coneflowers, also known as echinacea, are a native Texas perennial that blooms from spring through fall. These enchanting flowers attract bees & butterflies. They bloom in many colors, including pink, white, purple, and orange. The average height 2-3 feet tall and 1-2 feet wide. Coneflowers grow best in full sun.
Carolina Jasmine
Carolina Jasmine, or Carolina Jessamine, (Gelsemium sempervirens) is ideal for winter and spring blooming. Carolina Jasmine is a sweet-scented climbing vine that begins to bloom in January through the spring season. This gentle vine is perfectly trellised in a container or in the ground near a porch or patio.
Columbine: (Aquilegia)
Another Texas native perennial, columbine blooms March through May. The most common color is yellow, but these diverse perennials are also available in many other colors. The average height is 2-3 feet tall and wide. Columbine grows best in full sun to light shade.
Coreopsis: (Coreopsis grandiflora)
This deer and drought-resistant native Texas perennial blooms April through summer and comes in many variations of yellow & orange. The average height is 10-12 inches tall, and it grows best in full sun to part shade.
Mexican Petunia: (Ruellia brittonia)
This charming perennial blooms purple, pink and white from late spring till frost. The average height is less than 1 foot. Ruellia brittoniana is deer resistant and drought tolerant, attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, and does well in full sun to part shade.
Purple Heart Jew: (Tradescantia pallida)
This perennial groundcover with purple foliage and pink blooms flowers throughout the growing season. The average height is 12-18 inches tall and wide and does best in sun to part shade.
Esperanza: (Tacoma stans)
Native to southwest Texas, esperanza showcases bright yellow trumpet-shaped blooms from late spring through summer. The average height 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide, and it does best in full sun.
Perennial Dianthus: (Dianthus chinensis)
Perennial dianthus is a semi-evergreen perennial available in many colors, including pink, red and white. The average height up to 1 foot tall and wide and does well in full sun to part shade.
Heuchera: (Heuchera sanguinea)
Heuchera is available in many different leaf colors, a low-growing perennial with small tube-like flowers in shades of red, pink, and white. Heuchera blooms from spring through early fall, has an average height of 18-24 inches tall and wide, and is very disease and insect-resistant. This perennial does best in well-drained soil with part sun to shade.