Many people think that spring is the best time to plant trees and shrubs, but in Texas, fall is the ideal time. The warm weather during the day helps the roots grow and establish themselves before the colder months hit, and the cooler evenings allow the plants to recover from the heat of the day. However, there are a few things to remember when planting in the fall.
1) Make sure you’re choosing trees and shrubs native to Texas. They are better equipped to handle climate and soil conditions.
2) Water your plants regularly; they may need more water than usual as they adjust to their new surroundings.
If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on having a beautiful yard this fall!
Why Fall is the Best Time to Plant Your Trees & Shrubs
For several reasons, fall is the best time to plant trees and landscape shrubs in Texas. First, the soil is still warm from the summer sun, allowing roots to grow even as the above-ground growth slows down. Additionally, rainfall is typically more plentiful in the fall months, giving newly-planted trees and shrubs a much-needed boost of hydration.
But perhaps most importantly, planting in the fall gives your trees and shrubs an entire season to establish their root systems before facing the harsh heat of a Texas summer. Trees and shrubs planted in the spring often struggle to survive their first summer because their roots have not had enough time to grow deep and robust. By planting in the fall, you give your trees and shrubs a head start on surviving and thriving in our climate.
How to Plant Your Trees & Shrubs
Fall is the ideal time to plant new trees and shrubs in Texas because the cooler temperatures and longer nights help new plants establish roots before the hot summer months arrive.
Here are a few tips on how to plant your trees and shrubs:
-Choose a location that receives at least six hours of sunlight daily.
-Prepare the planting hole before adding your tree or shrub. The gap should be twice as wide as the root ball and just deep enough so the tree is at the same level it was in the pot.
-Carefully remove the tree or shrub from its container, taking care not to damage the roots.
-Place the tree or shrub in the planting hole, backfill it with soil, and water thoroughly.
–Mulch around the base of the plant to help retain moisture and control weeds.
The Best Trees and Shrubs for Fall Planting
Fall planting also allows you to take advantage of seasonal discounts and deals on trees and shrubs here at Premier Nursery!
When choosing trees and shrubs for fall planting, look for varieties native to Texas or well-suited to the state’s climate. Some good choices include live oak, cedar elm, pecan, bald cypress, and Texas mountain laurel. Avoid planting tender plants that won’t survive the winter cold or heat-sensitive plants that suffer in the summer heat.
Many trees and shrubs do well in Texas, but some are better suited for fall planting than others. Deciduous trees like maples, oaks, and elms are suitable for fall planting, as they go dormant in winter and won’t need as much water during their first year in the ground. Evergreens like pines and cypresses can also be planted in fall, though they’ll need more watering during their first year to prevent them from drying out.
Once you’ve selected your trees and shrubs, prepare the planting site by loosening the soil and adding organic matter such as compost or manure. Doing this will help your new plants get off to a good start. Water your plants well after planting and keep them watered throughout their first growing season. With proper care, your trees and shrubs will thrive for many years.
So what are the best trees and shrubs to plant in fall? Here are some of our favorites:
Oak trees are hardy and drought-resistant, making them ideal for the Texas climate. They’re also long-lived, so that you can enjoy their shade and beauty for many years.
Magnolia trees: Magnolia trees are prized for their beautiful flowers bloom in early spring. They’re also tolerant of heat and humidity, making them a good choice for summer planting in Texas.
Dogwood trees: Dogwood trees are another excellent option for spring flowers. They also have attractive foliage that turns red or purple in fall, adding color to your landscape after the leaves have fallen from other trees.
Japanese maples are small ornamental trees that add beauty and interest to any landscape. They come in various colors and leaf shapes, so you can find one that fits your style. And their delicate leaves turn bright red or orange in autumn.
When choosing trees and shrubs for your Texas landscape, consider both their size at maturity and their water needs. Some species can grow quite large (up to 100 feet or more), so make sure you have enough space for them in your yard. And be sure to select drought-tolerant varieties; even native plants will need supplemental watering during our hot summers.